Writing Test 1
First read the Background Section below which contains some information necessary to writing your response. Then, follow the instructions and read the email string carefully before attempting to answer the question that is presented by our client.
Take your time and write a nice, clear and thorough response to the client. Hand-write your answer on a sheet of paper and upload it while on video.
Good luck!
When an order is placed for floor plans for a property, we have two ways of fulfilling the order:
our most customary method is to go out to the property and take measurements and then use
those survey drawings in-house to create marketable floor plans. Our second method is to create
marketable floor plans using existing plans the client may already have, such as architectural
plans or possibly old plans another company many have done for them. They can email those
plans to us and we will redraw our plans from them.
Occasionally, however, we are asked for plans for a property for which we have already created
the plans in the past. When this happens, we simply change contact information that is on the
plans (called 'rebranding') to the new client's information and resell our plans at approx 10%
discounted cost to the new client without having to redraw the plans.
Read the email string below, from the bottom up. We have received the below complaint from
our client, Joan. Knowing that we can't offer additional discounting, write a response to this
client knowing we are always professional and polite.
test 1
I’m curious why the cost would be so high since it’s only a name change. If I have permission
from the prior agent is the price reduced?
Thank you,
Joan L. Kermath-MBA
Marin Home Professional-DRE 01308538
32 Miller Avenue | Mill Valley | CA 94941
415-233-3031 C
joan@joankermath.com | www.joankermath.com
From: Floor Plan Visuals <info@fpvisuals.com>
Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2020 4:31 PM
To: Joan Kermath <joan@joankermath.com>
Cc: Sherilyn Clayes (sclayes@outlook.com) <sclayes@outlook.com>
Subject: Re: 9 Echo Ln - Pricing
Hi Joan,
The cost to purchase these plans is $364.
Please let us know if you would like to proceed.
Thank you,
Floor Plan Visuals
t: 415-670-9265
e: info@fpvisuals.com
On Tue, Jan 28, 2020 at 5:36 PM Joan Kermath <joan@joankermath.com> wrote:
I’m going to be listing and selling this house next month. Can you please take the
floor plans from a year ago and replace Linda Tull with my contact information?
Thank you,
Joan L. Kermath-MBA
Submit your response
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